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Freezing Your Eggs

Freezing your eggs puts fertility concerns on ice

Sometimes the only certainty in life is that it can be uncertain. Women considering egg freezing in Waco might know they want a family “someday” – but not today. Thanks to Texas Fertility Center (TFC), these women have options for convenient and effective fertility preservation. If you’re considering freezing your eggs, you’ll be happy to learn that leading experts are accessible close to home.

Waco patients choose TFC to preserve fertility

We know freezing your eggs to safeguard your fertility is a big decision. It’s something you don’t want to leave to chance or inexperience. Our partner IVF lab is a national leader, staffed with board certified reproductive endocrinologists and a top-notch lab and embryology team to position patients for parenthood.

Our lab is a touchpoint – one significant piece of a larger network of labs all over the country. We collaborate with our partners to create a powerful platform of shared knowledge to benefit our patients.

When considering egg freezing in Waco, it’s important to consider the following questions.

  • How many years of experience does the clinic have in fertility preservation?
  • How many cases have they done?
  • Do they have a network of labs on which to rely?

When should you consider freezing your eggs?

Egg freezing is an intensely personal decision made for a whole host of reasons. When considering egg freezing in Waco, here are some reasons that might apply to you.

  • Timing issues. This might mean delaying childbirth to pursue your career or personal goals.
  • Fertility preservation in the face of cancer. If you have a diagnosis of cancer, TFC will support you in this trying time. One of our specialties is oncofertility, which bridges cancer and fertility care. We fast-track the care of cancer patients to preserve eggs before cancer treatment. This protects the eggs from surgery or treatment that might damage the ovaries.
  • Women with reduced ovarian reserve. Some women know the quantity and/or quality of their eggs is diminishing over time, and freezing your eggs lessens your concerns.
  • Concerns about storing embryos. Women who have moral or religious concerns about storing frozen embryos can elect to store their eggs instead.

Taking control of your future with fertility preservation

When considering egg freezing in Waco, you don’t want to leave anything to chance. Texas Fertility Center is not only experienced in safeguarding your options, but we provide priceless peace of mind with fertility preservation. Contact us to learn more about freezing your eggs and schedule an in-person or virtual consultation.