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Texas Fertility Center Group

Fertility Consultation

A Waco fertility consultation prioritizes convenience

It can feel daunting to take the first step when you’re not having success trying to conceive. And it can be even tougher if an initial appointment requires some drive time. But with modern technology, it’s easy to have the convenience of a personalized, virtual Waco fertility consultation with a compassionate reproductive endocrinologist at Texas Fertility Center (TFC) in Austin.

What happens in a Waco fertility consultation?

Our fertility specialists want to get to know you as a person, not just a patient. When trying to conceive, it is important to develop a relationship with your doctor. That can begin with a telemedicine or phone appointment with one of our Texas Fertility Center board certified reproductive endocrinologists. It’s convenient and easy to set up a virtual consultation in Waco, and physician options are listed here.

We prioritize patients wanting a Waco fertility consultation, knowing the window of time to successfully conceive steadily narrows with age. For those having regular, unprotected intercourse, the following timeframes are guidelines for when an initial consult and fertility evaluation are warranted.

  • If trying to conceive unsuccessfully for a year or more when you are younger than 35.
  • If trying to conceive for six months without success when you are 35 or older.
  • Those older than 40 should consider immediate evaluation.

The first step of a virtual consultation in Waco offers the many advantages of an in-person appointment. Patients can expect to receive the same expert advice and personalized attention. We ask you to fill out forms in advance of your appointment, to guide discussion. This information includes your medical history, challenges in trying to conceive, and the results of any fertility tests and previous treatments.

Your Waco fertility consultation can also address your financial questions. You will have the opportunity to meet with a billing specialist to address what insurance may or may not cover. You also will have the chance to speak with a nurse, if you choose. Our professional staff is fully equipped to answer all your questions and support you throughout your fertility journey.

Laying groundwork with a virtual consultation in Waco

For decades, TFC has been delivering on the dreams of patients from Waco and across Texas and the greater United States. Texas Fertility Center is proud to have played a role in 25,000 babies being born into the arms of grateful and loving parents. We know a Waco fertility consultation can set the stage for your future family, while prioritizing patient convenience. Contact us to set up a consultation.